Fruits de Mer Records - Psychedelia, Krautrock, Progressive Rock, Acid-Folk, R&B, Spacerock and Vinyl Heaven

(hands-up who remembers One Two Testing magazine?)

Our '17th Dream Of Dr. Sardonicus Live' double LP will be available very soon, with great performances by the likes of Sendelica, The Chemistry Set, The Bevis Frond and Ken Pustelnik's Groundhogs captured on vinyl and that seemed as good an excuse as any to ask FdM club members to recommend some examples of live music that's been preserved on vinyl (or should have been - a few examples sneaked through without the obligatory vinyl release to go with them).

So settle down with our version of what Glastonbury would be like if it was any good these days, or a Dr. Sardonicus festival if we had five stages...

...this is a second page of great suggestions - with thanks to Kevin Chown, Rob Whitaker, Darren Chittick, Mal Reynolds, Andy Butler, Dave Smith, Phil Rogers, Andy Young, Iain Norris, Spike Worlsey, Mal Reynolds, Martin Wright, Jan Poulsen, Andy Pernet, Mike Milsom, Arne Rasmussen, Dale Simpson, Tony Preece, John Sewell, Iain Davie, Chris Bembridge, Ernie Oakley, Glen Howell, Ramon Piserra, Mark Colwill, Leif Persson, Bary Saranchuk, Henry Schneider and Rob Roden...

...with more to come

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